Sunday, September 27, 2009


This weekend, some of the girls and moms from my Girl Scout Troop went camping at Camp Wabak. We stayed in a cabin that thankfully had indoor plumbing and air conditioning. Unfortunately, the air conditioner didn't play a big role in our weekend because we were drenched from all the rain. Thank goodness, we all had ponchos to keep us somewhat dry. While at camp the girls got to enjoy many fun activities. They participated in team games. They played a cute game that had them passing a hula hoop around the circle without letting go of the other players hands. We also took a hike up the mountain to the observation deck that overlooked Big Boy Mountain. Thank goodness, we didn't have to hike up that thing! After lunch, we got to enjoy a rest period. (Sure wish we had more than just one on our itinerary) After resting, the girls got to enjoy arts and crafts. They made a bookmark and several other things. They then got to go onto our final activity before dinner, songs and games, followed by a dance party. Unfortunately, Brianna sat this one out. She was just pooped by then. To be honest, so was I. Instead, we headed back to the cabin and Brianna and I went over all the new songs we had learned. I jotted them down so that we could sing them in our troop. At 5:45, we headed back out into the rain to go for dinner. Dinner was great. They served pot roast, rice and gravy, corn, mac & cheese, salad, and rolls. Once finished, we took another walk in the rain to head back to the cabin. We were supposed to meet everyone at a campsite to roast marshmallows, but the girls were soaked from their knees down and they opted to sit that one out. THANK GOODNESS! Instead, we all took hot showers, put on some dry clothes and had some arts and crafts of our own. Our camping trip ended this morning, and wouldn't you know it, the sun was shining brightly as we left!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Yesterday, Brianna and I went to the McDonald's drive thru window. The boy taking our order could not quite understand what I was trying to order. Finally after 4 attempts, he told me to drive around. Brianna's response to this situation:
"He needs to go to the doctor and get his ears checked!"

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Sorry I haven't had much to write about recently about what Brianna is up to. When she is here, she is mostly doing home work, using the computer to access her school's Compass Learning (excellent program by the way) or watching Spongebob. She continues to make me laugh at least once a day. Mostly it is her funny sayings or other times it's just how dern sweet she can be. Brianna is spending time with her friend Kyleah. Brianna has had a few sleepovers here with Kyleah, Friday night for example. But she mostly spends her time at Kyleah's house. Heck, I bet her Mom and Dad could even claim Brianna on their income tax return! I miss her while she is there, but I know she is having fun and is being taken care of. I remember when I was little. I always wanted to go sleep over with my Grandma or over with my friends, Amy & Amber.
(I always dreaded getting that call from my momma that I had to come home and wash dishes.)

As for me, I am about to start my 2nd year as a Girl Scout Troop Leader. I am excited, but I am also a little apprehensive. Brianna had a little bit of a problem last year trying to separate me from "Mom" and "Troop Leader". I'm hoping that this year, I can separate it for her.

As for Brian, on September 19th he started a new job at D3 Technologies in Greenville. He is still doing electrical engineering on airplanes; however, they specialize in commercial planes instead of military so that is a little different. His contract is temporary right now so we just have to see how it goes.

As for us, we celebrated our 10 year Anniversary on September 4th. We took a road trip up to Cherokee. For the 10th year, you give the gift of tin/aluminum. The tin represents how your marriage is durable, how it can be bent but not broken. I gave Brian a tin box full of promises that I intend to keep. These promises will hopefully take us 10 more years.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I know there is a lot of controversy regarding Obama's speech to our school children Tuesday. The White House has now posted his address on their website. Please click here to read.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Friday is mine and Brian's 10 year Anniversary so tonight I talked to Brianna about our plans for the evening. Here is how the conversation played out:
Kristy: "Brianna, Friday is Mommy and Daddy's Anniversary so we are going to do something special. Do you want to stay the night with MyMy?"
Brianna:"What, I'm not special enough for you to spend your Anniversary with?"
Kristy: "Yes, you are special but sometimes Mommy and Daddy would like to have a date with eachother to spend time together."
Brianna: "Mommy, dating is something you do before you get married."
Kristy: "Well, if that's the case Brianna, what do you do after you get married?"
Brianna: "You have a baby!"