Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well, you are now looking at Troop Leader for Daisy Troop#48. The Girl Scouts was something that Brianna wanted to do and that I thought would be good for her. However, being that there was no Daisy troop formed, someone had to step up as leader and put a troop together. Well, that person is me. I thought that it would be something that Brianna and I could share together. One day she will look back on her childhood and remember the times we spend together in the Girl Scouts. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because I have so many ideas for these girls and I think I could be really good at it. I'm nervous because I've never done this before. I've attended some leadership classes and have attended a class that taught about just what it is to be a Daisy and how to teach that particular age group. But, I'm mostly worried about my relationship with the parents. It is my hope that all the parents will come together and be supportive of myself and the troop. Our first meeting will be Saturday, November 22nd. Wish me luck.


After 4 total trips to the flea market and a yard sale this past Saturday, our house is now junk free. What I didn't sell is now going to the Goodwill and the clothing is being given to Greer Community Ministries. Don't get me wrong, I still have some clutter that I have to go thru, but it's definitely looking better around here. Brianna has been willing to get rid of some of the things she now longer plays with. I've told her that if she sells her old toys and makes enough money, she could go to Build a Bear. Yeah, bribery works well with a 5 year old. If I could only get Brian to go thru his "junk" pile........

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Has anyone seen my sweet little 5 year old girl? I swear sometimes when she talks to me, it's like listening to a grown up.
She has just now said, "Momma, how much longer are you going to be? I've got serious business."

She's going to have some "serious business" if she doesn't go and get in that bed!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It took us 1 hour and 40 minutes to vote today. I am definately not complaining, as I know others had to wait about 3 hours. I am thankful that I live in a country in which we even have the right to vote. I know that we all have different political views and for whatever reason, we think that our guy is best suited for the job. Our country is in trouble and has been for quite some time. Unfortunately it will probably get worse before it gets better. So as I go to bed tonight, I will be saying a prayer for our country and its' future. I hope that it is with the Lord's guidance that our next President takes us in a positive direction; not just for us, but for our children.


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I took Brianna down "Sweet Treat Alley" at Northwood Baptist Church on Halloween. We have done this for the past 3 years. It's a quick and safe way to go trick or treating. After getting a whole pumpkin full of goodies, we then came back home and walked door to door to about 6 of our neighbors homes. After that, Brianna wanted to come home so that she could give out candy. Well, unfortunately we only had 3 trick-or-treaters and 2 of them were solicited. Regardless, Brianna enjoyed getting her candy. Looks like it will be about 4th of July before we get it all ate.


Some of us at the DMV decided to use the Wizard of Oz for our Halloween theme this year.


On October 30th, Brianna participated in Awards Day at her school. In kindergarten, you only receive awards for attendence. Brianna received an award for having Excellent Attendance. Since it is the end of the 1st nine weeks of school, Brianna was given a report card. However, this report card was not graded. Her teacher instead requested conferences to share with the parents the progress of the students. So far this year, Brianna has learned Personal and Social Growth, and has studied Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Mrs. Danner expressed this of Brianna: "Brianna is an ideal student. She is so loving and sweet. She has wonderful behavior and always follows the rules. She is a friend to everyone."

I sure hope these kinds of comments continue for the next 12 years!