Saturday, December 6, 2008


I know that must be what some of you are thinking. I've just been so BUSY lately. This whole Girl Scout Troop Leader is taking up ALOT of my time. The meetings themselves aren't so bad. It's just all the planning and preparing that has to go into it is driving me insane. I do have a Co-Leader. I think I will ask her if she can handle the meetings in January. That seems fair to me. I did manage to go out with Heather to do our night of Thanksgiving shopping. It was fun to spend some time with her, not so fun to spend money. After getting home at 5:00 that morning, Brianna and I went back out at 9:00 and got back home around 1. Just in time to start getting ready to go watch Disney on Ice with the Troop. The girls loved it and so did I. It was really good. I would post some pictures, but I just don't have time to load them up. Enough about me, let's talk about Brianna. She has been doing good. School is great, but she did have to pull a crayon a couple weeks back because she called a little boy in her class a Cookoo Head. Heck, if that's the only thing she gets in trouble for-I'd say she's doing pretty good. She was going to have her surgery this month on her arm to remove the plates and screws, but since we would have to meet our deductible again come January we decided to wait until then. Right now, she is too consumed with Christmas and Santa. Brian and I have begun to decorate outside and will hopefully finish today. I also have to start working on those dreaded Christmas cards. You all know what I'm talking about. It's almost impossible to take a picture of my child with her eyes open. Heather, you know how true that statement is. Please wish me luck!