Saturday, March 21, 2009


But I have yet to catch "the fever". The only thing being caught around here is Strep throat. Brianna started complaining last night about her throat hurting. She was still in pain this morning and had a temperature. I didn't want to risk her getting worse, so I went ahead and took her to see the doctor. Sure enough, it's a good thing I did. She tested positive for Strep. She's been a good little patient today though. All she's wanted to do was lay on the couch.

I myself, have been trying to get our yard cleaned up. I started cleaning out the flower bed last night after work, and finished it this afternoon. Now I just have to figure out what flowers to plant and throw some mulch down. Wish I could get motivated to do the inside of the house. But like I mentioned earlier-I haven't caught "Spring Fever" yet.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I went to see NKOTB Tuesday night at the Bi-Lo Center, after much ridicule from my husband and brother! It may be fifteen years later, but I have to tell you--they put on one heck of a show. When I decided to go I thought that it would be a good show(why else buy a ticket), but it was really better than I had thought. I would even say that it was better than when my momma took me to see them in Charlotte all those years ago. From the very beginning of the show, I was taken back to when I was 12 years old. I got goosebumps on my arms,a lump in my throat, and tears in my eyes. I'm sure my husband is rolling his eyes right about now. It brought back so many memories. It was great to get to go back in time, even if it was for just one night with the New Kids.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Brianna is only 5 and already, she is signing her Daddy's name to her school papers. Her homework page has to be signed off everyday by her parents. Tonight, I picked up the paper to sign it, and Brianna had wrote her dad's name on the line. Needless to say, we had to have a little talk.
I can only imagine what we'll have on our hands in 10 years!


Unfortunately for her Daddy, Brianna has become a fan of American Idol. Last night when we were watching it she got so upset.
The blonde headed girl with the funny dances, Megan, was singing Rockin Robin. Brianna was so excited. "Hey, I know this song. Rockin Robin! I like it." So Brianna proceeds to sing along with the girl on tv. When it's over Simon gets to critique it. Boy, at that moment Brianna shot up out of that bad and says, "He said that was a stupid choice of song! He shouldn't say stupid and it wasn't a stupid choice! She sang it good and I liked it. You just wait till tomorrow night when he gets up there to sing. And I'm going to say, THAT WAS A STUPID CHOICE!"

She continued to fuss about him for the next 10 minutes before she finally fell asleep.


Part of Brianna's homework each night is to read a book. Most of the times, she picks out books for me to read with some assistance from her. Tonight she picked out One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss. She began reading the first 2 pages and before I knew it, she had read to page 32 before needing any assistance from me. I was so proud of her. We are saving the rest to read tomorrow night.