Friday, May 1, 2009


So our past 3 weekends have been crazy. Why should this weekend be any different? It's obviously not going to be. We have a Girl Scout meeting tomorrow. The girls will be finishing up their cute bird feeders made from juice bottles we recycled. They will also be painting a teracota need to run a few errands. Her 6th Birthday is next Friday and we will be having her party that Saturday. I have just now began to work on getting things together. I've ordered the cake from Couture Cakes of Greenville. Brianna and I went Thursday after work to order it. Susan, the cake decorator, got lots of input from Brianna as to how she wanted to have the cake decorated. Brianna chose her cake to be strawberry lemonade. We sampled it, and I am not lying when I tell you, it was absolutely the best cake that I have ever eaten! I can't wait to see it next week. And for those of you that will be coming to the party, you are in for a treat.
I can't believe our little girl is turning 6 already!

Anyway, back to our Saturday plans. Our Girl Scout troop will also be attending the SC Children's Theatre production of Cinderella at the Peace Center. All the girls are excited about this. A lady that I work with is playing the part of the Wicked Step Mother. She has given me glass slipper souvenirs to hand out to the girls for coming to the play.

So I imagine between Girl Scout meeting in the morning, running errands in the afternoon, and watching Cinderella at night Brianna and I will both be exhausted. But I have to be honest, she is growing up so very fast that I will spend every single second with her because before I know it she's going to be a teenager and not even want to be seen in public with me!