Thursday, June 4, 2009


Yesterday, they took the Kindergartners to meet their 1st grade teacher and the other kids that will be joining them in their new class. Brianna was excited to meet Mrs. Hardy and she is super excited to have Michael and Christian in the class with her.
Today was Brianna's last day of school. I personally can not believe its over. Although I was apprehensive at first(sending your child into such a big place, with new people, to be dependent upon herself is a BIG thing for a parent), I must say this school year went better than I could have ever anticipated. I appreciate everything Mrs. Danner has done for Brianna. She recognized Brianna as a Terrific Kid and always commented about how sharp and smart Brianna is. Mrs. Steading, the assistant, helped Brianna discover her inner artist. She would come home almost every day with a picture that she had drawn at Mrs. Steading's table. But I must say that one of my favorite things Mrs. Steading taught Brianna was this: "You get what you get, and you don't pitch a fit!" LOVE IT!

I asked Brianna if she was sad to leave her teachers. She said no. I think she's ready for summer break. I know that I am!