Friday, July 31, 2009


Brian took Brianna fishing this morning. She called me at work this morning and said, "Momma, I just caught a cat fish!" She was so excited. To my surprise, she was still fishing with her Daddy this afternoon at 2:30. I couldn't believe that she hadn't lost interest. Heck, 4 hours fishing is enough for me yet alone a 6 year old. She caught a total of 9 fish(2 she caught all by herself). I know....she is quite the angler.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I don't have too much to write about so this post will be short. This past week at work drug by; I mean really slow. Sad thing is that this weekend has flown by. Friday night, I picked up a new computer desk from some guy on Craigslist. We got a pretty good deal and it looks really nice, but boy did Brian and I have a hard time getting it in the house and put back together. We started unloading it at 7:30 and didn't finish putting it together until after 11:00. Then by the time I hooked all the computer stuff back up and got our mess cleaned up it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Saturday, we slept in a little then I finished cleaning up the house. After lunch at McDonald's, Brianna and I decided it was hot enough to take a swim. We took a ride to Camp Mary Elizabeth to play in the pool there. It was wonderful;not too crowded and we had a great time. Today, I went fishing with Brian. We just went to Cannon's, but it was a nice day and there was a cool breeze. We fished for about 3 hours. Brian ended up catching only 1 catfish. Oh well, I guess that is better than none at all. As for me, it is now 8:25 and I'm in the middle of doing laundry and trying to get my work clothes out. Ya'll have a good week.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


My Mom and Dad took Brianna to watch the rodeo in Anderson Friday night. Brianna was so very excited; she even took her cowgirl hat. Mom said she kept in on the entire night. Brianna loved the bull riding. Her favorite part was when the bull called Eagle Eyes knocked the guy off of him and drug him around. She says, "Eagle Eye is the best bull. Nobody can stay on him-not for 8 seconds!"

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It's only been 3 days, and this week has already been the longest one ever!!! Work has been absolutely crazy, but what else is new there? Brianna has finally gotten better. The last time she had a fever was Sunday morning, and other than complaining about her head hurting Monday;she is doing well. Her rash is even beginning to disappear. She lost her 3rd tooth Sunday evening. She was so excited to learn that the Tooth Fairy left her $5 dollars for it. Sure wish I had Tooth Fairies like that around when I was little.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Since returning from New York Wednesday night, Brianna has been sick. She has caught a fever virus from one of her cousins. According to Aunt Gina, temperatures will be as high as 103.5 and will last about 3 days. After the fever has broke, a rash will develop. Just to be on the safe side, I took Brianna to the doctor on Friday. She checked Brianna for every possible infection and could not find anything that would make her have a fever and since Brianna was exposed in New York to a virus, she concluded that it was probably Fifth's Disease. I assure you it sounds worse than what it really is. From what I've read online, it is basically a fever virus. The only thing you can do is to give Motrin and Tylenol and wait it out. Today, thank goodness, Brianna finally developed the rash and she hasn't had a fever since 5:30 this morning.
In addition to taking care of a sick child, we really haven't been doing too much of anything. We rented a couple of movies and other than the occasional trip to the grocery store, we really haven't been out much. It has been a nice change. I think I was trying to get rested up as much as possible since I will be returning to work tomorrow. I'm dreading it already.
One thing that I have gotten accomplished this weekend is that we managed to get unpacked from our trip. This may not seem like a big thing to you, but since most of the time we live out of the suitcases for 2 weeks upon returning back from trips--this was a huge deal! I also found time yesterday to update my blog. It needed a change, but it sure did take alot of patience! Between dealing with "Blogger" and this crazy computer of mine; I about pulled my hair out---SERIOUSLY!!!

Well, I must say that I have definately blogged more this weekend than I did the entire month of June. So maybe I will find the time to keep it updated. But then again......

As a side note, I thought I would put this in here cause it's cute:
It's 8:37 tonight, and my little girl is sitting in the living room watching ETV. She is watching Nature inwhich they are discussing Grizzly and Polar Bears. Not only am I impressed that she actually found this on tv and decided to watch it, I'm also thankful that it's something other than that fricken yellow sponge!


Photo Session at Reedy Falls;Courtesy of Aunt Shirl

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Saturday, July 11, 2009



It has been over a month now since I have blogged. But in my defense, I was on vacation for a little bit of it. We went to New York to see Brian's family. We were originally going to drive, but on a whim we found airline tickets for really cheap so we flew instead. We arrived in NY on July 1st. It was great to visit with the family that we very seldom see. If we are lucky, we get to visit twice a year. Brian went to NY last Thanksgiving, but has been since last August that Brianna and I have been back. Brianna spent the week playing with her cousins, going on shopping sprees with her Nana, taking a trip to the beach, and visiting the aquarium. She even made brownies with her Uncle Kevin. Although we only got to stay for a week, we enjoyed our time there!