Sunday, July 12, 2009


Since returning from New York Wednesday night, Brianna has been sick. She has caught a fever virus from one of her cousins. According to Aunt Gina, temperatures will be as high as 103.5 and will last about 3 days. After the fever has broke, a rash will develop. Just to be on the safe side, I took Brianna to the doctor on Friday. She checked Brianna for every possible infection and could not find anything that would make her have a fever and since Brianna was exposed in New York to a virus, she concluded that it was probably Fifth's Disease. I assure you it sounds worse than what it really is. From what I've read online, it is basically a fever virus. The only thing you can do is to give Motrin and Tylenol and wait it out. Today, thank goodness, Brianna finally developed the rash and she hasn't had a fever since 5:30 this morning.
In addition to taking care of a sick child, we really haven't been doing too much of anything. We rented a couple of movies and other than the occasional trip to the grocery store, we really haven't been out much. It has been a nice change. I think I was trying to get rested up as much as possible since I will be returning to work tomorrow. I'm dreading it already.
One thing that I have gotten accomplished this weekend is that we managed to get unpacked from our trip. This may not seem like a big thing to you, but since most of the time we live out of the suitcases for 2 weeks upon returning back from trips--this was a huge deal! I also found time yesterday to update my blog. It needed a change, but it sure did take alot of patience! Between dealing with "Blogger" and this crazy computer of mine; I about pulled my hair out---SERIOUSLY!!!

Well, I must say that I have definately blogged more this weekend than I did the entire month of June. So maybe I will find the time to keep it updated. But then again......

As a side note, I thought I would put this in here cause it's cute:
It's 8:37 tonight, and my little girl is sitting in the living room watching ETV. She is watching Nature inwhich they are discussing Grizzly and Polar Bears. Not only am I impressed that she actually found this on tv and decided to watch it, I'm also thankful that it's something other than that fricken yellow sponge!