Sunday, July 26, 2009


I don't have too much to write about so this post will be short. This past week at work drug by; I mean really slow. Sad thing is that this weekend has flown by. Friday night, I picked up a new computer desk from some guy on Craigslist. We got a pretty good deal and it looks really nice, but boy did Brian and I have a hard time getting it in the house and put back together. We started unloading it at 7:30 and didn't finish putting it together until after 11:00. Then by the time I hooked all the computer stuff back up and got our mess cleaned up it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning. Saturday, we slept in a little then I finished cleaning up the house. After lunch at McDonald's, Brianna and I decided it was hot enough to take a swim. We took a ride to Camp Mary Elizabeth to play in the pool there. It was wonderful;not too crowded and we had a great time. Today, I went fishing with Brian. We just went to Cannon's, but it was a nice day and there was a cool breeze. We fished for about 3 hours. Brian ended up catching only 1 catfish. Oh well, I guess that is better than none at all. As for me, it is now 8:25 and I'm in the middle of doing laundry and trying to get my work clothes out. Ya'll have a good week.