Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving
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This year, Brian and I are cooking Thanksgiving dinner at our house. I have been cooking since 6:30 this morning, and am only getting started. Brian will be making our turkey (if I haven't caught the house on fire by then!) Brianna is super excited. She woke up this morning and very sweetly gave me a kiss and said "Happy Thanksgiving Mommy." Then about 3 minutes later, she started complaining about her ear hurting. The doctor is closed today, so I hope Tylenol and a warm compress can hold her over till tomorrow.

Brianna made a turkey at school last week and on each feather she listed one thing that she is thankful for. Here is what she said:

I am thankful for the world.
I am thankful for animals.
I am thankful for friends.
I am thankful for my toys.
I am thankful for my family.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Yes I must admit that I am one of those "crazy, stupid" people that was out at midnight Thursday watching the New Moon movie. For you all that don't know, I love the Twilight Saga and I have been anticipating the movie release of New Moon for awhile. And although we arrived at the movie theatre 2 1/2 hours before the movie actually started, it was definitely worth the wait. So much happens in the book that I was really concerned that they wouldn't be able to cover everything. (That happened in "Twilight"-the movie. I think they didn't get the opportunity to "develop" the love story between Bella and Edward.) But New Moon made up for it. It hit on everything you would have wanted it to and it had some very funny parts to it as well. I think it was better than Twilight. If you have read the books and you are Team Edward or Team Jacob, then you will absolutely love it.
Time's review of New Moon.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Brianna had this to say after getting her flu shot Wednesday:
"Why did God make the stupid flu anyway?"

Thursday Brianna learned that a new student, Michael, would be joining her class Friday.
Brianna:"Momma, his name is Michael G cause we already have Michael R."
Me: "Does he seem like a nice boy?"
Brianna: "Yes he's nice, but not better looking than Michael R! He's got the most beautiful blue eyes."

Monday, November 2, 2009


Brianna received 2 awards today. One for "Excellent Attendance" and the other for "Accelerated Reader". We are very proud of our little girl.

I took a couple of pictures but they didn't turn out too good. I posted them anyway.


Brianna was playing on the computer Sunday and ran into a problem. This is what she said:

"Mommy, can you come help me? I'm having technical difficulties."