Saturday, September 20, 2008


Carson had his party at the YMCA today. I was a little apprehensive about the whole idea. I was so scared that Brianna wouldn't want to get in the water without me. But guess what! That little booger ain't scared of nothing!!!! After a few minutes of getting used to the idea, she jumped right in (with a life preserver of course). Boy was I excited, I really didn't want to have to put a bathing suit on. You all know how it is, your figure isn't as cute as it was when you were 18. Anyway, Brianna had a blast and Carson seemed to enjoy playing with all his friends and opening his presents. Thanks Heather!


Heather said...

Thank you so much for coming today to celebrate Carson's 6th birthday!!! I am glad Brianna enjoyed the pool, so you didn't have to get into the pool in your itsy bitsy tiny weeny little polka dot bikini!!! :) He will LOVE to buy something with his gift card!!! Thank you again!!! :) Glad we finally got to see each other!

The Pettigrew's said...

It looks like you guys had a great time at the party. I had no idea they offered that.