Saturday, September 6, 2008


I know it has been awhile. I have just been way too busy. We have been working really hard on getting Brianna's bedroom finished. I just got done. Thank goodness! Now we can finally move all her things back into the room and I can get my bedroom clean. The only thing that we have left to do is to put trim up around the windows. Lets see, what else has been going on? Well, I've been reading a book. Sherry gave it to me to read this week. I told her I didn't have time to read, but she said to make the time. She said that once I started to read it, the story would draw me in and I wouldn't want to put it down. She was right. The name of the book is Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It is the 1st book in a series of 4 and they are making a movie based on the book. I can't wait to start on the 2nd book now. I took Brianna today to see about signing up for Girl Scouts. I was under the impression that I would go and sign her up for a troop and that was that. WRONG!! There is no troop, that is what we were there for. Needless to say, troop leaders are needed. I just don't know if I'm up for that type of dedication. Maybe co-leader...who knows. I guess we will just have to see. Brianna is very excited about it though. That's it. That's all I have to write about at this point in time. Hope you all are taking care!


Amanda-The Family News! said...

WE have missed you!!!!

AND oh my word,I just saw the 'I Need Love" by LL Cool J on your it!!!

Kelly said...

I'm reading the 4th book right now! It's VERY addictive! (I never knew I would be such a vampire girl!!!) :-)

Kristy said...

Kelly, I am starting the 2nd book today. I'm with you, who knew a book about vampires could be so good. What is your take on books 3&4? I heard they weren't as good as the 1st one, but the 4th one is pretty good. I guess I will find out.

Kristy said...

LL reminds me of highschool. Glad you enjoyed it.

Elizabeth said...

The whole Twilight series is WONDERFUL!! I got addicted earlier this year and couldn't put them down either!!

Kristy said...

I'm on book 2 now and so far, I like it just as good as the first one.

Heather said...

okay...I am tired of seeing the same post for this long now. I know you have something to share with the blogging world!!!!