Sunday, October 5, 2008


Brian was supposed to have went with us. This is one of his and Brianna's favorite place. But the week before we left, he found out he had to work. So to keep from cancelling the trip altogether, I called my Momma to see if she wanted to take a ride up to Salisbury NC. We left Friday afternoon and arrived at the park around 3:00. We stayed long enough to enjoy the Gem Mine, riding on the Carousel, and taking a train ride around the park. We then took a walk down to the lake where we enjoyed an icecream treat and fed the ducks. After leaving the park we went to check in at our hotel and as soon as we got in the door, Brianna wanted to play in the pool. I obliged of course. After dinner, we made another trip to the pool and when we woke up the next morning, me made another trip. Don't you all know how AWFUL it is to have to put on a wet swimsuit? Regardless, Brianna had a blast. After breakfast Saturday, we headed back out to Dan Nicholas Park to enjoy another day of fun. They were having an Autumn Jubilee Festival so Brianna got to enjoy having her face painted and painting a pumpkin. We also visited the snake aquarium(one of Brianna's favorite), took a walk through the petting zoo, enjoyed looking at their wildlife exhibit, and taking a quick ride on the paddle boats. I say quick because
1.)My legs were getting very tired and 2.)Brianna was getting hot. Although there was enough to keep us all entertained, I must say everyone's favorite part was the Gem Mine. Brianna loved getting the bucket of sand and sifting through it to fine her treasures. Even my mother got a kick out of it. My favorite park was knowing that although Brianna was missing her dad, I made sure she kept a smile on her face the whole time. Afterall, that was what Brian and I had intended. To learn more about Dan Nicholas Park click here.


Lydia said...

Wow, I've never heard of that. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!

Heather said...

Didn't know you were going!!! It looks like you guys had a blast!!!!! I love the pictures!!! My favorite is the one with Brianna in the pumpkins!

The Pettigrew's said...

I have never heard of it either. It looks like a blast.