Sunday, October 12, 2008


I have had a busy week. Brian has been working overtime for the past 3 weeks. So when I get off work, I pick Brianna up from Memorial and rush home to get things done around the house. It's bad enough that Brian is going to work when it's still dark outside and getting home when it's dark outside. I don't want him coming into a CRAZY house too. Heck, I even cut the front yard this week. What about the back yard you ask? Well, I've been meaning to get around to that but have yet to get the chance. By the time I do, I will need a bushwhacker to get the job done! Let me tell you what Brianna has been up to. One day this week she informed me that she had another boyfriend. She said that Chandler wasn't her boyfriend anymore since he doesn't go to her school and he never calls her. The new boyfriend's name is Michael Robbins. She went on and on about how cute he was. Then said she wanted to write him a note. The note ended up with a picture of her in a wedding dress and him with a red bow tie. The note said, "Michael, I'm going to marry you." Wonder what Michael's mom thinks about that. Thursday, her school offered breakfast to the kids and their moms. It was nice getting to visit Brianna's cafeteria and having breakfast with her. She really thought it was cool. I guess my next visit will be for lunch. I think I might wait until they serve pizza though. That was always one of my favorites in school. Uncle Chris came down from Tennessee this weekend. I had to work Saturday, so Brianna spent the morning up at Granny's playing with Chris. It's sweet how much she enjoys playing with him. That brings us to today. We have been looking online for a Halloween costume for 2 weeks now, and during that whole time Brianna wanted to be a vampire. Well last night, she sees a zombie that she wants to be. So we headed out today to look for that costume. We went to Halloween Express, NOPE NOT THERE. Then to Party City, NOPE NOT THERE. Then I tried Target, NOPE NOT THERE. I was about to give up when I decided to swing by that costume shop on Pleasantburg Drive in Greenville. And guess what! YEP, IT WAS THERE. Thank God, because I was running out of energy and gas. There will be a couple opportunities in the next 2 weeks for Brianna to wear it, so I'm sure I will be posting a picture.

All right, that's all time will allow for today. Hope you all have a great week.