Saturday, August 15, 2009


Last weekend, we took a trip to Atlanta. We wanted to do something with Brianna before the new school year started. We arrived Saturday morning and headed out for the Georgia Aquarium. This is a helpful hint for those of you that may want to go one day: GET YOUR TICKETS BEFORE YOU GO!!!! Thank goodness we didn't have to stand in that crazy line. It was weaved in and out up the steps and down the street. The aquarium was great. They had many different exhibits. Brianna's favorite was the Beluga Whale and the Sting Rays. However, I will say it would have been a better experience had it not been so crowded. After the aquarium, we rode back to the hotel. We stayed at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta. I don't think I've stayed anywhere so nice. The hotel was beautiful and in a great location. Brianna loved riding up and down the glass elevators in the atrium. Sunday, we went to Zoo Atlanta. I think this was probably my favorite. It wasn't too crowded and there were tons of animals. They had a huge reptile exhibit. For those of you that know my child, you know that she was just so delighted to walk through and look at all those scaly creatures.

We ended our trip in Atlanta with visit to the Hard Rock Cafe. It was just a block from the hotel, and Brian or myself had never ate there so we thought we would give it a try. Although I must say, I thought Brian was going to turn around and walk out when we walked in and saw a 6ft picture of Jon Bon Jovi. If you don't know already, I love Jon Bon Jovi and my husband absolutely can't stand him. Brian calls him "Anchovy". Our meal was fast and delicious. But they do not how to get you. You must exit the restaurant thru the gift shop. How can you not go there and get a Hard Rock T-shirt.

We came home Monday. I'm so grateful for my family to have been given this great weekend. We may have only planned on staying 1 night, but I'm glad we stayed 2. Brianna needed 1more blast of fun before school and Brian and I needed some down time.



Heather said...

So glad you guys had one more BLAST of fun! I always know you have updated your blog when I get a comment! :) :)