Saturday, January 30, 2010



The 1st graders at Crestview Elementary celebrated the 100th day of school by participating in Career Day. Brianna, of course, dressed as a farmer.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Since this is a 3 day weekend for me, I thought that I would use the time to catch up on my scrap booking. Sad to say, I am still working in Brianna's 2007 book. My plan is to finish it by tomorrow. As for 2008, I will be downloading those pictures into one of those photo books. It's a lot cheaper and a whole lot less time consuming. Oh and then there is 2009....who knows when I'll get around to working on those pictures. Right now, I've spent the better part of the morning looking up recipes. Brian and I are burned out on eating the same thing all the time. Today we will be making chicken soup and I also found a Paula Deen recipe for Taco Soup in the slow cooker. That will probably be Wednesday night's dinner. If it turns out post the link to share with you.

As far as Brianna goes, she is currently selling Girl Scout Cookies. (Or should I say, I am currently selling cookies.) She's too shy to ask anyone to buy any. I know what you all are thinking: Brianna shy????? Her goal is to sell 92 boxes. So far we have sold 37. Not too bad for the first day. She lost a tooth last night. Thank goodness, because it has just barely been hanging on this past week. I was so afraid she'd swallow it in her sleep. The Tooth Fairy visited her and left her $10.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I thought that since most of us always fail at keeping our resolutions, that I would pick something that I feel confident in keeping.

My New Year Resolution is to make sure that my house is clean every night before going to bed. We are now 10 days into the new year, and I must say that spending the extra 30-45 minutes in the evening picking up messes definitely pays off. You wake up to a clean house and you come home to a clean house. Of course it's only in the evenings when supper is getting made and homework is being done that the house gets messy. But I'm realizing that taking the time to do every night is a lot easier than doing it all in one day. Plus I'm not so stressed when I come home after work. It's very nice to walk in to a clean house.

I should note that none of this would even be possible if it weren't for our new dishwasher. I haven't had one in 2 years, so I'm so grateful to have one now. Thanks to everyone who gave us Home Depot gift cards for Christmas!

Friday, January 1, 2010


We celebrated New Year's Eve with a night at home. We played a board game and played Wii Super Mario Brothers. We then spent the rest of the night watching Dick Clark's Rocking Eve and waiting for the ball to drop. I think this was the first year that Brianna actually stayed awake the entire time. Although, by midnight her eyes were getting heavy. So were mine.

Speaking of Dick Clark's Rocking Eve.....What in the world was Jennifer Lopez wearing? It looked like she had on a panty hose body suit! Come on now, nobody wants to see that! At one point, Brian asked me to please turn the channel because he was getting grossed out. He's too funny.

Anyway, we hope you all have a great New Year. I'll be going over to my Mom's later for the traditional Greens and Black Eyed Peas (Not that I really enjoy eating that stuff....But Lord knows I need all they Money and Luck I can get this year.)

Excited about the New Year!

Counting Down......10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1

!!!!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

Brianna gets teary-eyed and gives her
Dad the first hug of the New Year.

Someone sure does look tired!