Sunday, August 31, 2008


Brianna and I went to the fair yesterday. Robbie and Tammy were going and asked if we wanted to tag along. After paying $12 to get in the door, we then had to pay $25 more for an armband that entitled you to unlimited rides all day/night. I got one for Brianna and bought $10 worth of ride tickets for myself. Brianna enjoyed herself tremendously. She went "fishing" for sharks and dolphins to win prizes, rode a pony, visited the petting zoo and rode many rides including her very first roller coaster. But the thing she wanted to do most was to have her face painted. We walked all over the fairgrounds trying to find the place to have it done. When we finally found it, no one was working at the booth. It took us about 4 walk thrus before the girl was finally there. Brianna decided to have her face painted like a butterfly. The cost was $5 but seeing her face light up as she looked into the mirror was worth it. As we walked through the fairgrounds, everyone approached us to comment on how pretty she looked and wanted to know where to get it done at. I told them and wished them luck! Brianna and I had tons of fun together and she kept saying "Thank you Mommy for bringing me here." Precious, I know. At 8:30, the crowds were coming in and we were exhausted so we headed for home. Here are some of the pictures:


Kelly said...

I LOVE the face painting! She looks beautiful and she is such a precious little girl to thank you like that!! You have a special girl.

Kristy said...

She's a special girl all right!