Saturday, December 8, 2007


Brianna went to see Santa Friday night with Carson & Heather. As soon as we walked in the building, Brianna started saying that she wanted to go home. All her friends from school were there. I tried to tell her that they weren't scared of Santa. I thought maybe that would make her want to stay. It didn't. She was determined to leave. Then I asked her if she would just go and talk to him, she didn't have to sit in his lap if she didn't want to. She said she would only if I went with her and held her hand. She must have had a change of heart because when it was her turn to see him, she hopped right up there in his lap. I was very shocked. I even got a picture of it. After seeing Santa, the kids went to play in the "snow". I don't think I have EVER seen Brianna have as much fun as she did last night running around in the snow. Too bad she's never really gotten to do that with the real stuff. Maybe this winter we will actually get some. The night ended with a cute litte puppet show and a trip to McDonalds. We really had a good time.


Heather said...

I am sooo proud she was a BIG girl! It was so fun! Thanks for "taking" us! Hopefully we will get some snow!

Heather said...

I am finally home!!!!!!! Been having blog withdrawals, but see that you haven't updated missy!