Sunday, December 2, 2007


So, how do ya'll like the new template. I have spent about 2 hours this morning(not to mention about 1 1/2 yesterday) trying to figure out how to change my template for the holidays. All you other bloggers out there don't seem to want to give up the secret to it so I had to figure it out myself. After much work, I finally got it. I am a little disappointed that I lost some things with the new template, especially the Quotes From Brianna. I think I saved it though. I hope. Anyway, for any of you that may be interested in changing your templates just click on the link above my header. It really was easy once I found a site that would allow me to download to my blog. HAVE FUN!


The Pettigrew's said...

Oh girl I did the same thing. I lost some things myself but I like my back ground. I am glad you figured it out!

Kristy said...

Yeah, I figured it out. But I don't really think it was worth all the time I wasted. You know that's a precious thing these days.