Friday, December 28, 2007


Mostly we have just been hanging around the house visiting with family. For those of you that don't know, Brianna has 4 cousins that live here:Katelynn(who is just 2 months younger than Brianna) and her brother Christopher(9mths), Nicholas(almost 4) and his brother Ryan(3). As you can imagine, it has been a mad house here. Brianna loves it though and its nice to visit with Brian's brothers and their families. We have ventured out a couple of times. Our first trip out was a 3 hour trip to urgent care Wednesday morning. Brianna woke up crying with an ear ache and her doctor recommended we take her to urgent care. And no I am not exaggerating about the 3 hour wait. We got there at 12:35 and left at 3:40. Crazy I know, but we did leave with a prescription for an antibiotic because she did have an ear infection. We have also visited Chucky Cheese. That was alot of fun for her. I have to tell ya that I experienced alot of anxiety there. Especially since she decided to crawl up in those tunnels. Not only was I worried about germs(*Heather), I was scared to death that she was up there having a panic attack because she couldn't find her way out. And then what if there was a fire, I would have to somehow try to find her in there to escape the burning building......I know, I have a VERY active imagination. Like I said, I had a lot of anxiety about it. Yesterday, Nana & I took Brianna and Katelynn to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. We went to the 12:25 showing, only to find out that it was sold out and the next showing would not be till 2:50. So we had about 2 hours to kill. Which we did by going out to lunch at Wendy's then back to the movies where we waited in line for popcorn and drinks. The girls had a lot of fun at the movies. All I can say is that they better for the amount of money that I spent.....$56.00. And that didn't include the $16 that Nana spent at Wendy's on lunch. Today, I am wanting to try to get out to the outlets to see if I might can catch some bargains. If anything it will get me out of the house for awhile. Oh yeah, speaking of bargains, I went to Kohls the other night and got 4 shirts and 1 sweater and only spent $35. So all my employees at work, I would like to say thank you for my gift certificate. It came in handy, and I still have money left over for another trip to the store. I really wanted to go to the city, but I really don't know if we are going to. Brianna has been sick the ENTIRE time we have been here, from her asthma to now an ear infection. I really don't know if she would be up for the trip into the city. If we don't go to the city, maybe we could at the very least take a quick trainride or something. Who knows, its hard to make plans for something like that when you have family coming over to see you. This may be my last post till we get back to South Cakilaki. If it is, I'll just "blog" ya'll later.


Lydia said...

Ah, where you're sense of adventure? When Madison was about two, I played in the tunnels with him and his friend. Okay, so it wasn't very crowded, but who cares! The only problem I had was my shoes wouldn't fit in the shoe cubbies for some reason. ;) Next time, kick off your shoes and join her. Glad you guys are having fun!