Sunday, December 2, 2007


Brianna and I put our Christmas tree up last night. Ok, so it's the little one. But hey, that's what she wanted to put up. I have to tell you that I was so thankful that I didn't have to spend 3 hours putting a tree up. Heck, it took an hour to put up this little 4 footer here. The only bad thing about it is that we have WAY too many presents and they are all never going to fit under it. I also put some lights up outside on the porch. It looks really cute. Heather and I made it to the Holiday Fair in Greenville yesterday. We got some pretty good gifts. I bought Brianna a horse backpack. I thought that would come in handy when flying to NY in 3 weeks. I also bought her a pair of maryjane Crocs. They are really cute. I couldn't resist giving them to her now though. She was being so good, and after we finished putting up the tree and lights outside Brian and I told her that Santa was just outside and left her a little something for being sooo good. She got a kick out of it. I know what ya'll are thinking......................yes she is spoiled.


Anonymous said...

Yes, my beauitful granddaughter is spoiled. But I do love her. When are you going to have another one?

Kristy said...

Don't know. You will just have to wait and see:)