Monday, April 21, 2008


Please know that I am praying for Heather. I really love her like a sister and you all are just like a second family to me. Heck, I basically grew up at your house. Just please know that if there is ANYTHING that I can do, please let me know. My family sends you all nothing but well wishes. I love ya'll.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for all of your support and prayers Kristy! We all love you like part of the family! :)

The Pettigrew's said...

Is there any updated news on Heather?

Kristy said...

Heather is getting better everyday. I saw her last night and actually carried on a little bit of a conversation with her and managed to get a smile or 2 from her. I just got off the phone with Elizabeth and she said they have taken Heather off of the morphine so she is more alert and is doing better today. I will definately keep updates of her condition on my blog. Continue to pray for her as she will have a long and difficult recovery. But, knowing Heather like I do, there is absolutely nothing that she can not do!!

Kristy said...

I cannot imagine my life without your sister in it. It is so hard to believe that we have been friends since the 7th grade. And we have been thru some CRAZY stuff:) I am so glad that she is doing better. I really mean it, if there is anything...just ask. I was talking to Heather at the hospital last night and we were talking about her yard. She said there is no hope for it. I told her not to worry about her yard, I would come over and plant her tons of flowers to make her yard pretty. It's not much, but it's something. I just don't know what else to do. I want to help her in ANYWAY I can. I also want to keep her blog up to date for her. I know she will miss out on the kids for awhile, maybe those of us that spend time with Carson and Ella can post on her blog for her while she is unable to do it. Just a thought. Let me know.

The Pettigrew's said...

That is how I remember her. I know she wants to get home to her babies to. Even though with the meds she might think crazy I know she misses them. Tell her I asked about her please. I have been praying for her. I will keep checking for post.