Friday, April 18, 2008


Sharon Mills passed away Wednesday after going into heart failure and being placed on a ventilator. For those of you that know her, you know the loss of a truly good friend. For those of you that don't know her, I will write later to tell you all about her as she was truly one of a kind. All I can say right at this time is that I'm so sad and my heart is very broken. I will pray for her family, especially her son, that they have strength to get them thru this difficult time.

Sha had sickle cell; but she never used it as an excuse. She fought it and fought it until finally , at age 43 she was just too tired to fight anymore.
I really don't know what to say, as I am not very "good" at this type of thing. I have known Sha for about 8 years. And she has a very special place in my heart. My first impression of Sha was that she was CRAZY. When I first met Sharon Mills, I thought she was 20 years old. She would go out to that football game to watch the Jackets play every Friday night and I would joke with her because she had to have a new outfit to wear, COME ON NOW!! The whole GREER/BYRNES thing was always a big joke with us. This girl would say and do the funniest things. There are way too many examples to list so I will share this one with you. You all know we worked at the DMV together. Well there was this one time she called me out to her counter to help her with this guy that was trying to get his license back. He was suspended till like 2099 or something and we told him he couldn't get a license. He asked what he could do and Sha replied, "I guess you need to get a bicycle!" She would have us all rolling up in that place. And boy there were customers after customers that would complain about how rude she was. I'd say "Sha, you have to watch your body language." I say that because those eyes of hers would be stretched out of her head at those crazy customers and she would cross her arms and just turn her back on them. I don't want you to get the wrong impression; most of those people deserved it, probably. But on the other hand, there were customers I saw her wait on that she went over and above to help. On a personal level, I think that she could read people well---she knew if you were for real or not. If you weren't she just didn't bother. She had many friends. I used to hate going to the mall with her. I bet she would see someone she knew every 10 feet. Heck, it would take us forever just to walk thru the dang place. I spent a lot of time with Sha, not as much as I would have liked to, but every time we were together it was nothing but fun. Sha was honestly one of my closest friends and I will miss her. I will never forget Sharon Mills. No one could.


Heather said...

I was saddened to read your comment this morning. I have been praying for her. Now, I will pray for her family and you! I know it must be difficult to lose a great friend!

Okay, so yes, we miss you guys terribly. Life is so busy these days with work and BASEBALL!!! Carson is having a TERRIFIC time with baseball, but it sure keeps us busy. Sometimes we have three games a week.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you girl! I love you!

Kristy said...

Thank you for your prayers. I think next year, I will sign Brianna up to play baseball with Carson. As this might be the only time we will get to see eachother:) But that may not be a very good idea...1)I don't want to have to spend 3 nights a week fooling with it and 2)I would hate for Carson to get beat by a "girl"!:)ha,ha,ha. I have running around to do today. You know Brianna's birthday party is in about 3 weeks and I have nothing done. Other than the destination. I am going out today to work on party favors. Plus she has a birthday party tomorrow at Marble Slab in Greenville for a little girl in her class so we have to go get a gift today. And did I tell you Brianna wants a trampoline for her birthday! I think I may just tell people to get her giftcards so we can put it toward getting that for her. You know how expensive it is to have the party at PumpitUp and to buy a $200 birthday gift??????Come on now, we love her but I have come to realize we can't give her the world even if we want to. It's a lesson best learned early I think. Call me when you get a chance because us communicating thru these blogs is about ridiculus. Uh hello, we live 2 miles from eachother. We really have to do better:)