Saturday, February 9, 2008


Things around here have been pretty low keyed today. I came home for lunch Friday to a sick little girl. Brian had said that she was complaining of her ear hurting. I made her a good ole fashion home remedy (cornmeal placed in an old sock and heated up in the microwave). I had hoped that would keep the pain down until I could get back home from work that evening. When I walked in the house, she was laying on the couch with that sock still held up to her ear. I had a 6:50 appointment with the doctor. She has an ear infection. AGAIN! The doctor said on a scale of 1-10, her's is a 9. He said it couldn't really get much worse than that. He put some drops in her ear that numbed it and sent us home with a prescription for the drops and an antibiotic. You know, Brianna never got any ear infections when she was a baby. But it seems like this year, she is getting them like every couple months or so. Anyway, her ear seems to be feeling better today. She hasn't complained any; she may just be afraid that I will put those drops in her ear again. She didn't like that too much last night.
We got to see my momma today. Her doctor has told her that she can go out into the world now and not have to worry about infecting anybody. She will still have to keep taking medicines for the tuberculosis, however IF she was contagious before she won't be now. I still don't think she has TB. I hope they aren't wasting time thinking its that when the spots on her lungs could be caused from something else. I guess time will tell. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. As far as Brianna is concerned, she had to go for an Xray Tuesday. The Xrays looked fine. The doctor at the Health Department is suppose to call us this week to let us know about preventative medicine that Brianna may need to take since she may have been exposed to TB. I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW.............none of this has made any since. But I did speak to Brianna's pediatrician and she seemed to think that the Health Department is doing the right things. That made me feel a little bit better.