Sunday, February 17, 2008


So to give you guys a quick update on my list of things I needed to do this weekend: I still have scrapbooking projects to complete, my bedroom to clean and Brianna's room to finish painting. Brianna has been a great help. She came into the living room this morning to say that she cleaned up her room and made her bed. Which she did, just as good as I could have. Then she helped me fold her laundry and put it away. We went to the late service at church then took a quick trip into Walmart to get blinds and I found a great deal on a crockpot in the clearance section. It was only $12. We picked up Granny afterward and headed for Woodruff Rd. to go to AC Moore. I am trying to find some way of organizing all my scrapbook stuff. I just have way too much. I couldn't find exactly what I was looking for there. But on my way out of the door I noticed huge clearance signs at Goodys so we headed in there. If any of you are looking for capri pants or clothes for the summer, I recommend you go there. They have nice capri's on sale. They are already on clearance plus you get to take 50% off that price. That cuts them down to $4-$7. Anyway, I bought 1 pair of dressy capris and 4 shirts for myself. I also picked up Brianna 6 shirts. My total cost was only $33. Like I said, you might want to go by there. After we got back from Greenville, Brianna took a nap and I cut out coupons for our grocery list. I went to Blooms and got $91 of groceries for $43. Anyway, tonight I will be finishing up the laundry. Tomorrow I have an eye doctor appointment and need to clean up my room. If I don't get the painting done, oh well, I will just try for it next weekend. Hope you all have a great week.