Sunday, February 10, 2008


Good thing Saturday was a lazy day; today sure wasn't. I got out of bed at 9 this morning and cleaned the livingroom and kitchen. Then Brian & I took Brianna to Chuck E. Cheese. We spent about 2 hours there but it was alot of fun. We came back home and I dropped Brian and Brianna off while I headed to Spartanburg to do some shopping. I went to the mall and to the toy store, then by the drug store and car wash. I came back by the house long enough to gather up my grocery list and coupons and headed to Blooms. The coupons paid off because I saved about $34. YIPPY! I have spent about an hour tonight making Valentines for Thursday. They turned out really cute. I will post the picture. I'm afraid this post will have to be short tonight as I still have laundry to wash and fold, clothes to lay out for work and school and lunches to be made. It is 8:50 right now, I would like to be in the bed by 10. Good night & ya'll have a good week.