Wednesday, February 20, 2008


If you could call it that......all of my mothers tests have came back negative for TB so far. But like I have mentioned in an earlier post, they are treating her for it anyway. Which means they also have to treat Brianna and Macy because they had close contact with my mother. The lady at the health department said that they are required by law to give the childrent under 5 preventative treatment in the form of an antibiotic. I spoke to Brianna's pediatrician today and she told me to do what the health department suggests and that the medicine (INH) they will be giving Brianna will be ok. So...Brianna will be getting this antibiotic twice a week, Tuesdays and Friday. A nurse from the health department will come out to administer it to her. Why do you ask, well let me tell you. Apparantly, in the past, patients have not taken their medication like they were suppose to. (After seeing what my mother is going thru, I totally understand why.) But what can I do. I feel like I have asked all the necessary questions and the pediatrician says its ok, so Brianna will be getting her first dose on Friday. In the meantime, my momma had her catscan yesterday. We are hoping that the spots on her lungs have improved. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. My daddy went back to work Monday after 4 weeks off for medical leave. He's doing pretty good so far. There is suppose to be an eclipse tonight, I will try to get a picture. I'm sure I will be up. I'm working on a "special" gift for little Ella's 1st Birthday party.


Heather said...

Yucky Yucky Yuck! I am sorry she is having to take all those meds. Can't wait to see Roo's special gift! You are too sweet! :) I will make your baby a special gift for his/her first birthday. hehehe That is if I haven't lost my eyesight or ability to craft by then. hehehehe