Sunday, March 30, 2008


Brianna and I started the afternoon with a trip to the mall. Brian's birthday is Tuesday so we were out looking for him something. It was a pretty good day. Brianna went to Build A Bear and picked out a pink cheetah. She had alot of fun stuffing, dressing, and naming her new "friend". She named it "Sweetie" and dressed it like a ballerina. We then went to the play area that they have at the mall. She played there for a little while, but there was some friction between her and 2 little boys. When I tell you, that this little girl ain't gonna let NOBODY run over her!!! It must be the New York in her:) After playing, she had a DipNDot ice cream and was then ready to go. But our trip was not yet over. Mommy wanted to do some window shopping and we still had to pick up Brian's present. But of course, Brianna had already had her fun and was tired and ready to go. And to be honest, so was I.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


It's a shame that the week can be so pretty and the weekend has to be rainy. We were going to start planting in the garden today but the weather had other plans. Instead, I took Brianna out to get her a new pair of Crocs and to ChuckECheese. She has been wanting a pair of bright pink crocs for awhile. I looked on EBAY to see if I could get a deal, no luck there. I ended up at Dobson's Gifts in Greer. They were $24.95 there. If any one knows where I might could get the shoes or the jibbitz cheap, let me know. We have spent the night relaxing at home playing games and drawing on the dry erase board. Here are a couple of pics:


We all spent Friday night doing what Brian and Brianna like best, spending time outside. As you are all aware, outside is not my favorite place. But it was nice outside and we really could use the "family time" together. Brianna spent time on the swing set, playing ball with me, and laying on the ground looking at stars. It got a little chilly so Brian gave Brianna his shirt to wear. Then they went to looked for bugs. About 10:00 we came in the house, FINALLY! Brian and Brianna played Webkinz then it was time for bed.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Keeping with the whole "spring break" thing, I went to Blockbuster to rent Brianna a movie. She had wanted to watch THE BEE MOVIE when it first came out, but I didn't want to spend the money to take her to the movie to watch 30 minutes of it, get bored, then want to leave. Lucky for us, it's just came out on video. So last night we had movie night. And to my surprise, she watched the whole movie and loved it. Her favorite song now is "Here Comes the Sun".
Tonight after work, she played outside for about 2 hours with her Daddy. I'm not quiet sure what they did out there. I used that time to watch some TIVO soap operas and to do laundry.

Monday, March 24, 2008


I took today off so that I could spend some fun time with Brianna. She is out of school this week for spring break. Since we aren't going out of town, I thought we would try to do as many fun things as possible this week. Today we spent the afternoon at Gattitown. If you have never been there, you definitely have have to try it. It is much better than ChuckECheese(Heather). Its buffet salad, pizza and pasta and you purchase a card to play the games. We purchased a $20 card and played games for about 2 hours and I still have $8 left on it. There are none of these aggravating tickets to keep up with, the card keeps track of the games you win. Anyway, there are bumper cars, tons of arcade games, skeeball, air hockey, and a carousel. That of course was my child's favorite. I think she rode it 5 times. Here are some pics of our fun day. I'm not quite sure what we will be doing tomorrow seeing as how I am going to work. Any ideas, let me know.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


We spent Easter at our house with Robbie, Tammy, Macy, Granny, MyMy and Papa. Brianna loved to hide the eggs then tell everyone that went looking exactly where they were hid. Dinner was good and spending time with our family was "egg"celent.


The Easter Bunny left Brianna a basket full of stuff. She got a Rainbow Rake, a new Webkinz, and other goodies. I would have posted a picture of her, but I couldn't get one with her eyes open. Hopefully I will get some cute ones later today while hunting eggs. Everyone have a great Easter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Brianna hasn't been to school all week. You know I told you about the fever she ran all weekend; so I took her to the doctor Tuesday. They tested her for strep, it was negative. But they put her on an antibiotic and a decongestant anyway. She wasn't supposed to go to school Wednesday and I had kept her out Monday and Tuesday due to fever. So I decided to go ahead and let her stay out today as well. She is starting her spring break a little bit early. She is feeling better though I think, just a little bit congested. But boy the ATTITUDE!!!!!! I would like to think that it's just because she is sick, but I don't think that's it. Unfortunately, she thinks that she is an adult and talks to me like I'm the child.I know, I know, I know............I've got to nip this in the bud right now! And we are trying, but it's like she doesn't listen to me or feel threatened at all. I think it will be the "actions" that we take that will make the most difference because talking doesn't really work. I had to spank her really hard last night. If any of you bloggers out there have any ideas, I sure would welcome them. Heather told me to try vinegar in her mouth when she says something smart. That may work if I could ever remember to pick up some at the store. Since we will be dying eggs this weekend, I'm sure we will have some soon. I will definitely try it.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


Heather gave me the idea to take Brianna to the Easter Egg Hunt in Greer today. Although Brianna has had a fever all weekend and seems to have a cold, I thought that getting her out in the warm sun might actually do her some good. She got her face painted and enjoyed a magic show performed by our weatherman, Jack Roper. It was actually pretty good. Next came the big egg hunt. There were eggs laying EVERYWHERE, but you would be amazed that they were all picked up in just a matter of minutes. Brianna picked up 17. After the hunt, she played on some of the inflatables and enjoyed more of the magic show. It was a great day outside and she had fun getting eggs.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Brianna started the new year at school working on "sight words". Apparently this is taught in kindergarten. Mrs. Angie and Mrs. Kim wanted the kids to have some of an advantage next year when they start school. Basically what this is is each week words are added to their ring. They work on these words in school each day. What they do is read books that go along with the sight words, and the kids are asked to "spot" the words. They bring their list of cards home during the week so that the parents can reiterate the words while reading at night. I'm very impressed that Brianna has learned so many new words and that she can actually recognize them in the books we read together. So I thought for this weeks Thursday Thirteen I would share at least 13 of her sight words:


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Yesterday I looked out the back door to find Brianna and Brian digging up wild onions. They had shovels out and were digging to the root of the onions. Then they started digging up worms. The times they share together are just precious. They have a very strong bond. He takes the time to show her things that I would never do. I mean come on, can you see me outside catching bugs?:) I took some pictures so you all could get a glimpse at what they do together.


Brianna works on a new letter at school every couple of days. This week it is the letter "Q". Mrs. Kim is reading to them about "Quilla the Queen" so the kids made crowns. I tried to take a cute picture of Brianna wearing the crown she made, but she decided to be mean instead.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today Brianna and her class took a trip to Greer Community Ministries to sing for the senior citizens there. I'm very fortunate that my job is close by and flexible enough that I got to attend the "concert". Mrs. Kim, Brianna's teacher, told all about what the class does on a daily basis and what the children has learned so far. They started the program with the pledge and it was followed by their morning prayer. Hearing those little voices pray was just precious. They sang several songs; one about going to school and others about the alphabet and colors. My favorite was when they sang "One, Two, Buckle My Shoe". When it came to "9-10, the big fat hen" they all squawked like chickens that was cute. They ended the show with "He's Got The Whole World". That was really good, especially when they passed the world around and then held hands while singing. I was so glad I got to go. Here are a few pictures for those of you that missed out on the fun: