Sunday, March 2, 2008


Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, but I have been BUSY trying to clean my house. I held a PartyLite party at my house Saturday. I really wasn't expecting too much out of it. I have a small circle of friends. I knew Heather isn't into that kind of stuff, but my co-workers sure were. I took in about $530 in orders, which meant about $200 in free product for me. YIPPY! When it all came down to it, I got about $380 worth of PartyLite for $50. Now my problem is trying to find somewhere in my house to put all my beautiful things. Throwing the party is about all I did Saturday. Heck, it took me all week to clean up for it(all night Friday and all day Saturday, Really). Brian joked and said that's the cleanest our house has ever looked. And he's right. It sure is a good thing that I've got some great smelling candles, since my cleaning days are on hold for awhile. Brian worked today while Brianna & I visited my momma and made a quick run to see Macy. She is just too cute. I am now turning my attention toward Brianna's 5th Birthday party. She turns 5 May 8th and wants to have her party at Pump It Up. WOW, that place sure is expensive!!! But it covers 26 kids(if Brianna even knows 26 kids). She says she wants to have a Barbie Magic of the Pegasus themed party. But that will probably change by May. If any of you "Bloggers" out there have any ideas for the birthday party, I sure would appreciate the comments. Ya'll have a great week.


Heather said...

Glad your party was a success. I am glad you got so much great stuff. It isn't that I don't like it, I just don't spend money on that stuff now that I have two babies. Now, I would love for you to turn your attention to my house- - - - forget the birthday party! :) I'm in Washington til Wednesday. I try to call you soon!