Thursday, March 20, 2008


Brianna hasn't been to school all week. You know I told you about the fever she ran all weekend; so I took her to the doctor Tuesday. They tested her for strep, it was negative. But they put her on an antibiotic and a decongestant anyway. She wasn't supposed to go to school Wednesday and I had kept her out Monday and Tuesday due to fever. So I decided to go ahead and let her stay out today as well. She is starting her spring break a little bit early. She is feeling better though I think, just a little bit congested. But boy the ATTITUDE!!!!!! I would like to think that it's just because she is sick, but I don't think that's it. Unfortunately, she thinks that she is an adult and talks to me like I'm the child.I know, I know, I know............I've got to nip this in the bud right now! And we are trying, but it's like she doesn't listen to me or feel threatened at all. I think it will be the "actions" that we take that will make the most difference because talking doesn't really work. I had to spank her really hard last night. If any of you bloggers out there have any ideas, I sure would welcome them. Heather told me to try vinegar in her mouth when she says something smart. That may work if I could ever remember to pick up some at the store. Since we will be dying eggs this weekend, I'm sure we will have some soon. I will definitely try it.