Tuesday, March 11, 2008



Anonymous said...

those pictures are so beauiful of my granddaughter. I will take one of each. She is getting so big & to smart for her britches. She is so cute. I miss all of you very much. Did you get a CD with those pictures on it. If so, send those pictures to me & I will make them up for me.

Kristy said...

Don't you worry, I've got plenty of pictures to send you. When we come back this summer, I better see them all over your house:)just joking. Yes, I got a cd. I will try to make you a copy and just send it when we send the pictures to you. I should plenty for all ya'll. You will even get a big one! And you are right, she is too smart for her britches.

Heather said...

Too cute! I love the updates!!!!!!!!!! And, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the polka dotted dresses!!!!!!!! She looks sooooo grown up! Time for a smaller one! :) heheheheeh

Kristy said...

HEATHER!!!!!! As long as you are going to give me the fundage to support a "little one", then I don't have a problem with it:)

The Pettigrew's said...

I love her pictures! She is a ham in front of that camera.

Anonymous said...

wow she looks so pretty & grownup

Lydia said...

I love the pictures! The one with the flower is too sweet.