Friday, January 16, 2009


We left the house this morning at 6:00 to go to the hospital where Brianna would be having her final surgery due to the broken arm. Today, Dr. Beckish would be removing the 2 plates and 9 screws he had placed in her arm earlier last year. Brianna was a little nervous about the surgery until her Daddy told her that she would get a Nintendo DS afterward. Since then she has been counting down the days. Her surgery took about 1 hour. Dr Beckish removed the hardware and said he cleaned the old scars up. He said they will look better than they did before(THAT--I will believe when I see!). He used different stitches and bandages because she had an allergic reaction to the last ones he had used. He commented on how Brianna was "wise beyond her years" and handled the surgery much better than others he has seen. The only trouble we had was when she awoke from the anesthesia. She was a little angry and confused, and wanted to go home. That's normal. She mostly just wanted to get those little sticky things and wires off her chest. All in all, it was a good day! Again, Brianna has shown us how "big" she is and we are very proud of her.
Brianna playing on her DS after we go home from the hospital.

Brianna brought home some "souvenirs". These are the

plates and screws that were taken out today.


trish said...

bless her heart! :( - I am glad her last surgery went great!!! She's such a good spot b/c I would of been crying and scared!!!!

Anonymous said...

Brianna, I have missed you! I think about you alot! I am so glad that your surgery went ok and I am so proud of you for being so strong! I love you!
-Miss Alaina

Heather said...

My whole body hurts to see her "treasures" she brought home! I am so glad everything went well. It looks like she loves her DS!!! Hope her mommy hasn't spent too much time on it yet!!! Kiss her up for me! Love you!

Lydia said...

Glad it went well.