Sunday, January 4, 2009


First let me start out by saying, Happy 2009! We spent New Years Eve watching Dick Clark's Rocking Eve, of course. Ryan Seacrest and Kelly Pickler did a good job, "Ya!" Hopefully ya'll go that. Every time she spoke to someone in the crowd, she ended it with "Ya!" I felt really bad for Taylor Swift who had to watch the ball drop and welcome in the New Year with her Ex from the Jonas Brothers. Heck, it was even uncomfortable for me to watch. And then there was Dick Clark. I know that he is an "icon" and the celebration just wouldn't be the same without him, but there comes a time when all good things must come to an end. He was just pitiful on that television, that too made me feel uncomfortable. But as for us here at home watching this event on TV. Brian and I brought in the New Year together, and I woke Brianna up(at her request) for just a second to give her a kiss. Then it was lights out. I don't much like resolutions, because they are very hard to stick too. However, there are a few things this year that I hope to improve.
The most important thing is my relationship with God and finding a church home to grow in. I enjoy going to SpringWell, and Brianna LOVES the children ministry there. It is just so big. I have been going there for about 4 years, and still only know a handful of people. And that may not necessarily be the Church's fault. I don't take the time to get to know them either. I go and listen to the sermon and leave. I guess I just want to feel like I am a part of something, that I belong. Hopefully, God will place me where I need to be.


The Pettigrew's said...

You guys should come try LifeSong in Lyman. It's wonderful. I put off going there for a long time and the day I walked in the door I said this wasn't forever. I haven't missed but 1 Sunday and Tucker was sick. It's smaller, and we have a great kids program. It's easy to meet people, they come to you. I hope you have a wonderful New Year!

Kristy said...

Well, I'm coming to hear Heather speak next week. Maybe I will get a feel for it then. I do like Springwell. The messages are always good, I just wish I felt more at home there.