Sunday, January 4, 2009


Brian got me Wii Fit for Christmas. This is the best thing EVER!!!!! I know it's a New Year and some of you out there may be on one of those dieting resolutions, if so, this thing is for you! I've done it for almost a week now and it has truly kicked my tail. There are 4 types of training:yoga, strength, aerobics, and balance. With each of these are workouts designed to work on certain parts of your body. Basically you're working out and having fun doing it. What's even better is that the whole family can get involved. Brianna has been doing it with me and she absolutely loves it. She's even taught me some things. It keeps track of your BMI and weight progress. This is a good and bad thing. Good because having to see your weight everyday makes you want to do better, and bad when you see that your weight has changed for the worse(very disheartening). Really, this thing is great even if you aren't wanting to lose weight. It will help you to improve your center of balance, thus improving your overall health and will also help you to exercise and become more fit.

But I have to tell you, I sure am glad Brian was outside the other night when I was attempting push ups. I managed 2, and then could barely do the rest. It was a sight, let me tell you.


The Pettigrew's said...

I love it!! I would like to have it but I dont' have one. We played it new Years Eve and we Hulaed in the New Year. I will be praying for your for sure. Work on it, I know you can do it!!!