Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Excuse me!!!!!!!! So I haven't blogged all week. Uh hello....its just been 3 DAYS. I have been sick, sick, sick. I thought that ya'll might have to come visit me at the mortuary:) But, I am FINALLY starting to feel a little bit better. A girl at work has told me everyday that I look like I have been hit by a Mack Truck. She didn't tell me that today, so I must look a little better anyway. Heather is giving me a hard time about my not blogging this week. So I pose this question: How many times have you visited Heather's blog, only to be disappointed that it wasn't updated? So here's poor, sick, snotty(literally) Kristy. I haven't blogged in 3 days because I couldn't get my hands free from Kleenex long enough to do anything. I have been working, spreading God knows what kind of germs at work....which I must add is stupid. Because I am sure that by Friday, someone will be calling in sick because I made them that way. When I've gotten home from work, I have gone straight to bed. I haven't gotten to spend any time with my child and now my husband is sick. So....Can anyone blame me for not blogging?

Really Heather, I have missed you this week. I am having withdrawals. As soon as I can finally have a conversation without coughing my head off, I will call you. I'm glad that you at least, are keeping up with your blog this week.


Anonymous said...

So, sorry to read that you & Brian are sick. It looks like that bug is going around. Dad, Kevin Jr. & I have been sick also. Dad & Kevin Jr, got it bad. Thanks to our grandsons. But we love them dearly anyway. Hope that the both of you are doing better.

The Pettigrew's said...

I was missing your blogs!!! I hope you feel better.

Kristy said...

Sheldon, I must be feeling better if I'm blogging:)A little bit anyway. I guess it's a good thing to be missed.