Thursday, November 22, 2007


I wonder how many of you are sitting there reading this with your pants unbuttoned. I know that I sure did over eat today. How can you not? We have many things to be thankful for this year. I think I am most thankful to have this precious little girl bless our lives everyday. But I have to tell you that I could have killed her this morning:) While her Daddy and I were looking through all the sales papers, Brianna decided to keep herself occupied by playing with a stamp set. Lets just say that I now have blue and red footprints all through my house. Did I mention that we have carpet? I guess I should be thankful for a steam cleaner. I will make this posting short tonight because I have to get some rest. I baked last night, and cooked this morning. Heather and I will be doing our annual Day after Thanksgiving shopping starting at midnight. The best husband in the world is sending me out with his credit card. He must really love me:) I'm thankful for him too.


The Pettigrew's said...

I hope you guys had fun shopping. I know you had fun fighting all that traffic. :)

Heather said...

Hey - - - it's now Sunday night and I haven't seen an update since THURSDAY! Okay, you haven't been doing anything shopping, no staying up for twenty-two hours out of twenty-four, no card-making, no photo shoots, no cleaning, ...

Had fun this weekend!!!!!! Too bad it's back to the real world tomorrow for me. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO depressed.