Wednesday, November 14, 2007


My day off was spent with Brianna. I kept her out of school. I know...........but it didn't seem fair to make her go if I was off. We went to the park and had a picnic lunch. It was alot of fun. I managed to even get some cute pictures. And in case you're wondering about that scrapbook I was suppose to finish, the answer is no. Not yet, anyway. I am trying really hard to get it caught up though.


Heather said...

What cute pictures!

The Pettigrew's said...

where were you guys at? They are very cute pictures. I think it's important to make her feel special with a day off from school. Although she knows it because she goes to the toy store one a week. :) Hha I have room to talk now...Tucker isn't talking enough yet.

Anonymous said...

They are sure beauitful pictures of my cutie granddaughter. Don't forget to do that CD for me. I'm going to have one of these picture's make up for my computer room. That way I can see my beautiful little princess everyday. Thanks for putting these on for me. Love all of you very much. By the way I love that song that you put on now & I like the first one also. Boy! you sure all getting good on this blogging thing.


Kristy said...

We were at Kids Planet in Greer. It's just a couple minutes away from our house, so it's very convenient. Just wait till he does start just wait. Then we'll see how many trips to the toy store you will be taking.