Sunday, November 11, 2007


This is a 3 day weekend for me, and I am trying to enjoy it. I haven't done too much at all really. Yesterday, we stayed around the house except for a visit to Granny's. I scrapbooked a page last night. Yes, just a page. Hey, it took long enough let me tell ya. I cleaned up the house this morning and went grocery shopping this afternoon. Then as promised, I took Brianna to ToysRUs. I always take her every year to pick out the toys that she would like to have for Christmas. And of course we couldn't walk out without anything. Her Daddy had bought her a baseball and bat set. (Heather, tell Carson he had better watch out. Brianna is going to be practicing.) Brian has work tomorrow and Brianna has school. So I plan on spending my day off getting some rest and finishing up Brianna's scrapbook from 2006. I am exactly one year behind. Maybe one day it'll be caught up:)


The Pettigrew's said...

Does Scrapbooking ever get caught up? We should get together sometime and scrap. I am so behind and Tucker is only two. haha

Kristy said...

I don't think it does. I am always working a year behind. And blogging doesn't help either. I should be working in the book instead of messing around on the computer.