Friday, August 15, 2008


After 2 visits to the flea market, and selling Brianna's playkitchen and train table, Brianna was finally able to obtain her 10 gallon fish tank. Of course as expected her Daddy didn't make her pay for the whole thing. She used the money from the playkitchen she had made, $40, to pay for the aquarium stand. Her Daddy bought the new tank set up and I bought the first fish that went in there. Like I mentioned just a minute ago, we also sold her train table thanks to Craig's List. We made a whopping $75 on it. I think that was pretty fair. So $25 of that she got to keep to by herself a dancing dress and the other $50 we put toward the purchase of a Wii. All the other money we had made from the flea market, I used it to purchase her school clothes and shoes. So I would say all in all, this was a pretty successful venture. Now if I can get mine and Brian's things out of the attic for a yard sale, I would be doing excellent. That may take a while. It is just so hot up in the attic, I may wait till it cools off a little before I start that "project".