Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The alarm clock went off bright and early this morning at 6:30. Brianna had no trouble getting up. She watched cartoons for a little bit then had a waffle for breakfast. When I asked her to get dressed, she hopped right off the couch and put her clothes on. I sure hope I get that lucky every morning. Brian and I took her to school this morning. I was just going to drop her off, but then I saw everyone else being walked in by their parents, so I followed suit. While walking her down the hall to her class room Brianna said,"I feel a little nervous." I told her not to be nervous, she would be just fine. We got to her class, I helped her put her things in her cubby and gave her a hug bye. That was that. And no I didn't cry. I think probably because she had went to preschool for 2 years already. I did however feel a little sad. I really can't believe that Brianna is officially a "school girl". All day today I would find myself wondering what she would be doing at that very moment. I could not wait to go pick her up to find out how her day went. So after sitting in school traffic for 30 minutes, she hopped into my backseat and I tell you it was like looking at someone else's child. I swear she looked all grown up, like she had aged since I dropped her off earlier this morning. She told me about taking a field trip around her school to learn where everything was, meeting the school nurse, playing drums in music class and eating her WHOLE LUNCH! She said she had a chicken sandwich and she even got to put mayonaisse on it all by herself. She had that and carrots and cucumbers, greenbeans, a banana, and chocolate milk. I asked her if she had a good day and she said yes. I'm so very glad. But by the time 6:00 rolled around, she was dead tired. After spending time with Nana and Poppa and getting a bath, she decided it was time for bed. She went into my room and made a tent out of pillows and was out like a light in about 5 seconds.


Kelly said...

So glad you both had a great first day!

Heather said...

I am so glad she had a great first day of school!!!!!! I can't wait to be able to post about Carson's first day! I have some really cute pics.