Sunday, August 24, 2008


While I was in NY this summer, my mother in law introduced me to food products by Tastefully Simple. I have got to tell you, that these items are EXCELLENT. If you enjoy cooking or even eating, this is definitely the thing for you. Everything tastes wonderful and it is so EASY to prepare. The spices are great. I bought the "Seasoning Salt" and I use it on just about everything I cook. If you have parties or get togethers, there are items that you can purchase that taste so good but require no time to make! Go to the Tastefully Simple site and look around. If you are interested, I would love for you to order something. Leave me a comment and I will let you know how we can get your order sent in.

* I know that this may seem a little "cheesy" to put this on the blog. But how many candle parties, jewelry parties, etc do you go to and you think to yourself "I'm buying this crap and I won't ever use it." Well, I can attest....This is something you will use and will definitely be worth your money.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I resemble that remark:)

Kristy said...

Yeah, I thought you might:)