Sunday, September 30, 2007


Brianna & I were in Walmart this morning when she saw a pair of pretty earrings that she wanted. I told her that those are for pierced ears. She said she wanted them. I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced and she said yes. We had to drive to another Walmart for them to do it because the one here didn't have anyone on staff. When we pulled up in the parking lot Brianna said, "I don't know about this." I told her that it would sting a little, kind of like a shot, but then it wouldn't hurt anymore. I just knew that once in the store Brianna would change her mind. She sure did surprise me. She was such a big girl. She sat so still, holding my hands as ladies on each side of her prepared to pierce her ears. They clicked the gun at the sametime. Brianna said Owwww, and immediately started crying. She cried about 5 minutes, never once wanting to look at her pretty new earrings. We had lunch at McDonalds right after and she was fine. I didn't want to pierce Brianna's ears when she was a baby. I didn't want it to be my decision. I wanted her, once older, to decide if she wanted it or not. I have to tell you that I am so glad of my giving her the opportunity to make that choice. I really, really enjoyed sharing this moment of her life. My precious little baby is growing up so fast.


Anonymous said...

You are getting so big & Nana can't keep up with you. I miss you very much & love ya. I'm so glad that you got your ears none. The earrings look so pretty on you. When you came to see Nana again. We will have to get you some really pretty earrings for you.0k?
I know how it hurts when you get it done, but after its done. It doesn't hurt anymore. Just keep turning those earrings everyday & you won't get infestion in them.