Sunday, September 9, 2007


We took a little vacation Friday and Saturday. There is a park in Salisbury NC called Dan Nicholas Park. We discovered this little treasure last year when we did the Thomas the Train ride. It is just wonderful. I would really recommend any of you to go there. We left to drive up there on Friday afternoon. Brianna got to ride the carousel and train, and we visited the wildlife zoo and reptile aquarium. You know that Brianna just loved that. We then took a small hike thru the woods. Brianna said, "Momma, you have to watch out for anacondas and the diamond-back rattle snake!" I swear, the things this child says truly amazes me sometimes. After our "hike", Brianna played on the playgrounds there. They have 3 different ones. We then left to go get checked in at our hotel. Brianna loves staying at hotels and this one had an indoor and outdoor pool. So as you can guess, we jumped right in. It was alot of fun. I was just so excited that she can now stand up in the 3 foot water. She was just paddling around in there trying to swim. We got out and had dinner and guess what! Yep, she wanted to go back in. So we did. After breakfast Saturday, we went back to the park. They have a lake there, so Brianna and Brian started the day off with a little fishing. As soon as Brianna's line got thrown in the water, a fish bit on to it. I was just so excited, I went ahead and reeled it on up for her. (I know, I know, I was supposed to let Brianna do it.) But that's okay because she caught 3 more. It was so much fun watching her catch those fish. After fishing, we took a trip the paddle boats. She wanted to ride in the Swan. It was a lot of fun, except for having to wear smelling life preservers. After the trip to the lake we walked up the park area where Brianna rode the carousel and train, visited the petting barn and aquarium. We then took a walk to the gem mine. They gave us a big bucket of dirt and we had to pan for gems. We all really enjoyed that. She would say, "My gem, oh I love it! That's my favorite." After ice cream to cool off, she played a quick game of putt putt. If Brianna would just learn to hold her club right, she might would do okay. She had to get assistance from her Daddy alot. She then played in the little water park area for just a short time. There were just too many kids in that one place, all fighting for water. We made one more trip to the gem mine to hunt for some more treasures and a quick visit thru the wildlife zoo before returning for home. Brianna was asleep before we even got on the highway. We really had a lot of fun and it was nice to get away. I hope that you all like the pics.