Monday, September 3, 2007


It was just another weekend around here except for the fact we had Monday off work. YEAH! Saturday, Brianna & I did our weekend running around. Brian put the netted gazebo up in the back yard so that we could sit outside and not get ate up by bugs. He probably knew that was the only way he was going to get me to sit outside with him:) I did some things in the house while Brian and Brianna played baseball outside. She is pretty good. Sunday we visited Granny. She doesn't get to see Brianna that much since Brianna started school. Granny even offered to watch her while I did grocery shopping. How could I possibly turn that down. Those of you with children know how much more you spend when you take your child into the grocery store with you. Brianna also got her Halloween costume Sunday. I know what you all are thinking: Yes, I am aware that Halloween is more than a month away. I didn't want the costumes to get picked over. Brianna got a purple pixie costume. It is very cute. I do think, however, that I made the mistake of letting her know that we have it. I can't keep her out of it. By the time Halloween rolls around, her costume will probably be torn up.
Then there is Labor Day. This is a day that we get to have off of work, free of "labor". And what do Brian and I do? We spend half the day pressure washing the house. We must be out of our minds. On the plus side though, it was a very pretty day and it was nice to be outside spending time with my husband (he looks really sexy soaking wet:).