Sunday, September 30, 2007


Brianna & I went to Harvest Day in Inman Saturday. We met Heather and Carson there. We didn't get to see too much of them because Brianna was wanting to go ride the pony ride and do some other things. As you all know, horses are one of my daughters favorite things. So when she found out there were ponies there she could ride on, that was all I heard about. She just loved it. Next, she wanted to ride on the Pirate Boat. She was a little bit scared at first, but by the end of the ride she was loving it. We also rode on a train down the street. That was fun. The cool breeze felt nice. After getting her face painted we headed out to find a funnel cake. I wasn't about to leave until I had one of those. We sat down to eat it just as a guy from the Spartanburg Herald showed up. He wanted to get a quote for the story he was doing on the festival. To see what he wrote in Sunday's paper click on .


Anonymous said...

I looks like that you & Brianna had a great day at the Harvest Day. What did you do to Brianna hair? Did you prem it? It looks so frizzy.

Kristy said...

Its done with a crimping iron. She likes it like that.