Sunday, September 16, 2007


For those of us with children, there is never any "rest". It seems like there is always something to do. Saturday was spent around the house mostly. We did go to Haley's 7th Birthday party, then Brianna & I went to eat Mexican food. It was really yummy. Brian spent the day trying to figure if he finally wanted to call it quits with the "silver bullet". Don't get me wrong, it has been a really good car the past 4 years, but I really think it's just about on its last leg. The same guy we bought that car from has a 2003 Ford Ranger for about $4600.00. We have been driving it all weekend to see if its worth it. Brianna really likes it. She likes riding in it; she says she can see everything. So now it's just a matter of trying to figure out the finances of it all. It want be easy, but if we are going to do it, we may as well while Brian is still employed. We got our moneys worth with the "bullet", maybe we will be just as lucky with the truck.
Anyway, today was pretty busy around here. For some reason, Sunday's always are. I called Heather this morning to see if Carson wanted to go to the zoo and park with Brianna. I know she is always so busy, and always has something to do. I thought it would help her out if I took Carson off her hands for a little bit. Especially since she helps me out so much with picking Brianna up from school. So we did the zoo thing, ate our packed lunches at the picnic table, then played on the playground. Carson and Brianna were "exploring", looking for dinosaur bones in the sand. It was really cute. They played so good together and behaved so well, I treated them to icecream, with sprinkles of course. The things these 2 kids say to each other: its like they are brother and sister. I am really glad they are close, especially since Heather and I have been friends for as long as we have. We really are like family. After dropping Carson off, we spent the day down at MyMy and PaPas. I visited Macy while Brianna played. When I tell you, that Macy has got to be one of the prettiest little girls I have ever seen. I know I may be a little biased, being that she is my niece, but she is just so darn cute. I hate to say that too much around my brother because she looks just like he did when he was a baby. I don't want him to get a big head or nothing. After leaving Moore, we had a quick visit by Granny's and then our regular Sunday trip to the grocery store. I then came home, put groceries up, got dinner started, did 2 loads of laundry, ate dinner and now I am sitting at this computer blogging! I must be out of my mind! I have supper dishes sitting over there in the kitchen with spaghetti remnants hardening on the plates as I type. I really have to get going. I still have a busy night ahead of me. It's 8:30, I still have to wash dishes, get Brianna bathed, make blueberry muffins, finish the rest of the laundry, get school and work clothes ready, and maybe if I'm lucky, I will have all this done in an hour. Wish me luck!


Heather said...

Thanks a million for inviting Car to the zoo! He had a great time! Brianna and Car are too funny together.

I do have to disagree with you about your neice! I think I may have the cutest little girl around town! :)

Kristy said...

Ok, it's a tie:)

Anonymous said...

I do disagree with you about your neice. I have the most beautiful granddaughters in the world.