Saturday, January 12, 2008


Ya'll know what comes next. A couple of weeks ago, I was informed that Brianna had a boyfriend. His name is Chandler Duke. When she told me, I said , "How do you know he's your boyfriend?" Brianna replied,"Cause he asked me." Chandler also confirmed this bit of information to me the next day. Well a couple days later Brianna came home and told me that Chandler had asked her for a kiss. Brianna told him,"Not till we're married!" Just this week, Brianna was getting ready for school and asked me if she could go watch Chandler's ball game. I told Mrs. Joyce, Brianna's teacher at school. She informed me that Chandler and his dad were going out to dinner the night before and Chandler had asked his daddy if they could go by and get Brianna. Uh hello, these are babies---4yr olds----I am talking about! It's really cute though. However, I don't think Brian is finding too much humour in it. Can ya'll just imagine what we are going to have to go through in Brianna's teenage years?


The Pettigrew's said...

Oh that is too cute but way too early. I will die when Tucker ask me that. Hahah.

Kristy said...

Tell me about it! WAY too early.

mymy said...

Brianna Marx, you get out of that tree right now with that lil boy!!!
Brian has his work cut out for him already, they will be knocking on the door before long.and knowing brian he will shut the door in their faces lol I wanted to let you know I love you lots and lota ans that I have missed you dearly, we always have so much fun playing together and laughing about everything gotta baby I love you all the wat to the moon love MyMY