Sunday, January 13, 2008


My momma came over to visit with Brianna today. While here she started coughing up blood. She called her doctor and was advised to go to the emergency room, which she did. The doctor there said that she had pneumonia and the xrays showed a spot on her lung which they believe to be from the pneumonia. She has to go back to the hospital tomorrow for a cat scan to be sure. Please keep her in your prayers.


Anonymous said...

I Hope momma gets better soon, call me if I can help.

Heather said...

I was checking to see if you had updated on MyMy. I hope she is feeling better. Let me know if I can help out with Brianna in any way! Remember I am SUPER MOMMY! :)

Kristy said...

Thank ya'll so very much. Ya'll are the best!

Anonymous said...

Hey, all of kristy's friends and bloggers. I was really surprised that someone was worried about me and praying for me, believe me, I need it. I'm getting very depressed and thinking Im not going to live long, but I cant help it, with spots on my left lung. Now Kristy's dad is feeling bad, and I have to take care of both of us. But thankfully he has a 3 week leave of absence, he's just gonna boss me around even more now lol. Thanks to all of you. Kristy really has some great friends, just dont lose each other, life is too short thks very much Myra