Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolution

"A New Year's Resolution is a commitment that an individual makes to a project or a habit, often a lifestyle change that is generally interpreted as advantageous."

Why is it that everyone makes these silly resolutions only to quit on them by the end of January? I think that if you are going to make one, you should stick to it. I have thought long and hard about what I feel that I should work on for 2008. There are many areas that I need to improve in; financially & professionally. However, the most important part of my life is here with my family--Brian & Brianna. It seems that often times, we just get caught up in the day to day aspects of life, forgetting about why we are here in the first place. Looking back on years past, it doesn't seem like Brian & I have been a part of each others life for almost 13 years now. But we have. Times have changed and we have changed. Especially since Brianna was born. We used to be husband and wife, now we are "Mommy" and "Daddy". It's like if we aren't talking about Brianna, we aren't talking at all. (For those of you with children, I am sure you can relate.) I love my husband, and he means everything to me. So with that, I am making this resolution:
In 2008 I plan on being a better wife to my husband. I will listen to him when he needs to talk. I will share all my thoughts and ideas with him. I will give him little pecks on his cheeks and tell him I love him everyday before he leaves to go to work. I will do things with him that he enjoys doing(NOT THAT, you dirty minded people). I will show him in all ways possible that HE is the most important person in my life, and that without him I would be lost.



Anonymous said...

Hope your resolution works wonderfully, remember be happy.:) Looks like Brianna was a really good girl this year, tons of presents. Hope you're feeling better & loves to you

April, Mitch & Nathan

The Pettigrew's said...

I think that is a wonderful resolution! I think you chose a good one.