Wednesday, October 10, 2007


1. Having to take 3 days off work to take care of her--After the 1st day, I was ready to go back.

2. Cleaning up puke at 11:00 at night--She was in the bed when this happened, so I spent the next hour cleaning up her bed clothes.

3. Cleaning puke off of your child at 11:00 at night--I had to put her in the shower while she was still half asleep to clean her up.

4. Having to sleep with your child--After the first occurrence of the PM PUKE, I thought it best if I slept with her to avoid the risk of her choking in her sleep. (For those of you that know me, you know how paranoid I am of the whole choking thing.)

5. Sleeping on the floor with your child--Hey, I'm a fast learner. I wasn't about to have to clean up her bed AGAIN! Thought that a pallet on the floor would be more practical just in case she threw up. Although, my back and neck are killing me.

6. Checking for fever--It sure is hard to get a 4 year old to keep a thermometer in her mouth long enough to get a reading.

7. Taking them to the doctor--They go in with one thing and come out with something else.

8. Taking prescriptions to Walmart--You stand in line to drop them off to be told that the wait will be about AN HOUR!!!!!

9. Having to go BACK to Walmart to pick up the prescriptions--I know you didn't expect me to walk around that madhouse with a sick child for an hour while we waited on the prescription to get ready.

10. Trying to get your child to eat--I guess popsicles are better than nothing.

11. Sanitizing--You can never do this too much.

12. Starting the week with strep throat and ending up with cough and congestion--Remember what I said in #7?

13. Spending all week in the house with a sick child--Yep, you guessed it.....NOW I'M SICK!!!!